Saturday, March 17, 2007


1. Childbirth
2. Tzara'at I
3. Tzara'at II
a. Sh'chin
b. Michvah

a. Hair
b. Beharos
c. Bald spot
d. Garment


a. Terumas ha-deshen
b. Minchah

2. Minchas chinuch/Chavitei kohein gadol
3. Chatas
4. Asham, general portions of kohein
5. Shelamim - todah and general; nosar, piggul, tamei
6. Cheleiv v'dam
7. Shelamim, continued

8. Y'mei ha-milu'im
a. Y'mei Moshe
b. Yom HaShmini

9. Prohibition against alcoholic avodah
10. Distribution of meat of milu'im

11. Animals
a. Kosher signs
b. Shemoneh sheratzim
c. Neveilah


1. Olah of animals
a. Cattle
b. Sheep/goats

2. Other Olos
a. Olah of birds
b. Minchas soles
c. Minchas ma'afei tanur
d. Minchas machavas
e. Minchas marcheshes
f. Minchas ha-omer

3. Shelamim of cattle
4. Shelamim of sheep
5. Shelamim of goats
6. Chatas kohein mashiach
7. (Chatas) Par he'elam davar shel tzibbur
8. Chatas ha-nasi
9. Chatas hayachid - she-goat
10. Chatas hayachid - ewe

a. (Chatas) Korban oleh v'yoreid - Animal or bird
b. (Chatas) Korban oleh v'yoreid - Minchah
c. Asham me'ilos

12. Asham talui
13. Asham g'zeilos

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ki Tisa - Vayak'heil - Pekudei

1) Census
2) Basin

3) Compoundings
a) Anointing oil
b) Incense
c) Appointment of Betzal'el

4) (Connection?)
a) Shabbos
b) Building of calf

5) Decision to destroy and reconsideration

6) Aftermath
a) Aftermath of calf
b) People's reaction

7) God agrees to send presence with nation
8) Request for Divine knowledge.
9) Second tablets: Destruction of nations, idolatry, Passover, firstborns, Sabbath, Shavu'os, Sukkos, Pilgrimage, bikkurim, meat and milk

10) (sounds chiastic to parsha 4)
a) Return from Sinai
b) Sabbath

11) Collection of materials

12) (perhaps chiastic to section 3? Why are colored curtains here instead of next section?)
a) Appointment of Betzal'el
b) Colored curtains

13) Outside
a) Goat-hair curtains
b) Boards, partition, screen

14) Ark
15) Table
16) Menorah

17) Outer keilim
a) Incense altar, oil, incense
b) Bronze altar
c) Basin
d) Courtyard
e) Accounting officials
f) Accountings

18) Eiphod
a) Eiphod
b) Avnei Shoham

19) Breastplate

20) Garments besides Choshen/Eiphod
a) Robe
b) Tunics, hat, breeches, belts
c) Headplate
d) Summary

21) Gathering

22) Set-up
a) Set-up command
b) Set-up of structure and coverings
c) Set-up of ark
d) Set-up of table
e) Set-up of Menorah
f) Set-up of incense altar
g) Set-up of screen, bronze altar
h) Set-up of basin
i) Set-up of courtyard

23) Cloud alights upon Mishkan


1) Introduction
a) Collection of materials
b) Ark - The centerpiece

2) Table

3) (connection between Menorah and curtains)
a) Menorah
b) Curtains

4) (Azarah - but why are curtains in previous parsha?)
a) Boards
b) Partition
c) Set-up with screen
d) Bronze altar
e) Courtyard
f) Lighting of Menorah
g) Holy garments

5) (Application - but perhaps lighting of Menorah and introduction to garments should be in this section?)
a) Eiphod
b) Settings and chains
c) Breastplate
d) Robe
e) Headplate, tunics, hats, belts
f) Inaugural offerings
g) Daily offering

6) Incense altar